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Online Learning Module  Course Work for E-Learning Design Principles

  1. LEARNER IN CONTEXT - The online learning module is designed iming at at college students who have limited experience in programming. The students could be either from graduate or undergraduate programs who have either taken a place-out programming course or are familiar with basic programming concepts.
  2. METHOLOGY - I conducted Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) to better design this education module. For theoretical CTA, I looked at the prior work to draw inspiration and gain an idea of the state of the art in instructional approaches in debugging. For empirical CTA, I conducted think-aloud with novices in debugging as well as sturctured interviews with experts.
  3.  E-LEARNING PRINCIPLES & A/B TESTING- I utilized five major principles: Muiltimedia Principle, Worked Example, Learning by Doing, Self-explanation, and Learning by Teaching as A/B testing. Statistical Result showed that Learning by Teaching significantly promoted student learning outcome.